npm Trello

Tinkering with carlosazaustre / vue-trello

In my continuing effort to find a Trello replacement, I’ve been looking at carlosazaustre / vue-trello. My thanks to carlosazaustre for creating it. After some exploring, I realized it’s more reliant on Google Cloud Platform than I particularly want to go. However, I publish the notes I had so far in the hopes that they’ll help someone else.

`npm install`

`npm install` kept dying on Firebase. I had to uninstall then reinstall. I can’t find the Stack Overflow post that gave me the instructions, but according to my bash history, it looks something like the following:

Chuck GRPC’s data:
rm node_modules/grpc -r

Delete package-lock.json:
rm package-lock.json

Rebuild node-sass:
npm rebuild node-sass

Install the latest version of firebase:
npm i firebase@latest

Install firebase/app:
npm install --save @firebase/app

Settings File

The next error was:
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 11:43:17 PM This relative module was not found: * ./settings in ./src/api/firebase.js

It needs a file called settings.js in src/api/. There’s an example file (settings.js.example) to grab from. You need to add your Firebase details. You can learn your API key at:[project ID]/settings/general/

Next Steps

This is where I got off the train. Presumably it’s now just a matter of filling the correct details into the config file. Best of luck to you.

Asana CLI Linux Productivity Programming Ruby Trello

Working with TrelloToAsana

First off, many thanks to goborrega, the author of TrelloToAsana – a ruby package to help users port their data from 🌹💃 💕 Trello 💕 💃 🌹 to Asana. I love Trello (as you may have gathered from the emojis), but the boards are very siloed. I have like 3 dozen boards, I don’t want to have to dig into each one.

There are a few ways to get data between the two, but none were to my satisfaction until I found this package on Github.

I ran into a couple issues and I wanted to save some other folks the time. Many of these issues stem from not being a Ruby developer Thanks to Google University, I was able to develop a sufficient passing literacy.

Some background that may be helpful to non-Ruby devs may find useful:

  • Install Bundler and other dependencies. On Suse the command was: sudo zypper install ruby2.5-rubygem-bundler ruby-dev ruby2.5-dev ruby2.5-rubygem-rails-5_1
  • Install dependencies defined in the gemfile: bundle install
  • To run a Ruby script: ruby [filename]

There seems to be a version problem with the required versions of Ruby and the gem json. To fix that, I went opened Gemfile and replaced where it calls for json version 1.8.1 with 1.8.5. I haven’t seen any negative consequences of advancing it to a later version.

Between the time of the code’s writing and the time I ran it, Asana evidently changed their property id to gid on workspaces, projects and tasks. A find and replace on all instances of .id with .gid fixed the problem. The error was:

/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/asana-0.10.0/lib/asana/resource_includes/resource.rb:34:in `method_missing': undefined method `id'

It worked like a dream after that.

Having gone to all that trouble, I don’t think I’m going to stick with Asana. There are too many features 💖 Trello 🌈 has that Asana doesn’t. My hunt for a 🌼 Trello 🥰 alternative that has global tags continues.

CLI Linux

A Problem with `git push origin`

I couldn’t figure out why git kept complaining there was no such file as origin.

Because I was typing grep.

CLI Linux NPM Programming Vue.js

Pro-tip: `npm run dev` Relies on /etc/hostname

In my ongoing effort to play with Vue.js, I’ve been attempting to run the command npm run dev, which is required to turn the Vue magic into regular Javascript magic (all computers are magic). I couldn’t figure out why it kept insisting it couldn’t bind to the address.

I was looking for a config file with a hostname defined. There isn’t one. It uses the contents of /etc/hostname.

PS1 and hostname showed my hostname as kraken. But according to /etc/hostname, it was NPM was trying to bind to’s IP address.

There’s no reason the hostname had to include I originally took to putting it in the hostname when I first registered the domain name in 1998 because I thought it was neat. I never got out of the habit because until [longer ago than I care to admit], it never caused me problems.

CMSes MySQL Software Wordpress

Changing a Username in WordPress

When I installed WordPress, I reflexively made my username the same as it is everywhere. Its ease of being guessed makes it that much easier for an interloper to get into my system.

The WordPress UI says you can’t change your username. Actually you can just pop into the database and make the change.

The table is wp_users by default. You may have set the prefix to be different, but out of the box it’s “wp_”. To alter the row in question:

update wp_users set user_login="[new username]" where user_login="[existing username]";

CMSes Software SSH This Site Wordpress

WordPress on is Live, as You May Have Observed

Most of what I spent my time on was making it pretty. I’m not a graphic designer, but I think it looks pretty good.

My only real annoyance with WordPress is the Gravatar nonsense – it’s a third party service used to have a pretty picture in your profile. I get that it offers users the ability to have the same picture on any WordPress site they comment on, but for those of us who don’t care, would it be so bad to be able to upload a profile picture locally?

Ten seconds of Googling revealed a couple plugins that will do that, but then you have to trust an internet stranger (no disrespect to the author or plugin intended) or invest time into reviewing the code yourself.

While I was pulling down a new version of master, I was getting a key error. Apparently my public key wasn’t in authorized_keys. Fortunately the error messages were pretty good, so I was able to deduce the cause of the problem in just a couple minutes.

CMSes Software Wordpress

Tinkering with WordPress

I spent a few hours tonight tinkering with WordPress. It’s different than I remember it from several years ago – imagine that!

Theming will be a challenge. I don’t want to have to write and maintain one from scratch, but if I make code changes to an existing theme (spoiler alert: I have), it makes it difficult to update the theme, which again puts me in the position to have to maintain it myself.

This is why I enjoyed the portion of customizing a theme where you can add extra CSS without having to worry about your theme overwriting your changes. Of course, you could always just make your own stylesheet and give it a name unlikely to be clobbered, such as your name (if your name is Style, I shall eat my words). I wound up using it’s inbuilt functionality.

This Site

Hello World!

I am starting a blog to describe my tech ventures. I’m at a contract position. After it ends, I may be in a position to have to impress people. So I shall track my nerd stuff in hopes that someone is looking for a nerd just like me.