In my continuing effort to find a Trello replacement, I’ve been looking at carlosazaustre / vue-trello. My thanks to carlosazaustre for creating it. After some exploring, I realized it’s more reliant on Google Cloud Platform than I particularly want to go. However, I publish the notes I had so far in the hopes that they’ll help someone else.
`npm install`
`npm install` kept dying on Firebase. I had to uninstall then reinstall. I can’t find the Stack Overflow post that gave me the instructions, but according to my bash history, it looks something like the following:
Chuck GRPC’s data: rm node_modules/grpc -r
Delete package-lock.json:rm package-lock.json
Rebuild node-sass: npm rebuild node-sass
Install the latest version of firebase: npm i firebase@latest
Install firebase/app: npm install --save @firebase/app
Settings File
The next error was: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 11:43:17 PM This relative module was not found: * ./settings in ./src/api/firebase.js
It needs a file called settings.js in src/api/. There’s an example file (settings.js.example) to grab from. You need to add your Firebase details. You can learn your API key at:[project ID]/settings/general/
Next Steps
This is where I got off the train. Presumably it’s now just a matter of filling the correct details into the config file. Best of luck to you.